If These Teacups Could Talk


If These Teacups Could Talk

By Mark Bissaillon


Aunt Monica's tea set got some use at the party on Friday. It is amazing how an item can cause a flood of memories to came back like the flood of 1938.

Aunt Monica Wiater Czerwinski in my opinion was and to many others was the most beautiful of the Wiater girls with her long black hair, the way she carried herself, and her impeccable dress. She always had the best clothes.

So let get back to the tea set and go back to the 1930 when she was a teenager. I do not clearly remember how she met Uncle Teddy but what I do remember is how much she loved him. He first kissed her on that Moon lit night in 1932. She said it was love at first site and the only man she ever kissed.

She got married on a warm June day 1936. She said it was the happiest day of her life. She said that all thru the reception at the Farm she worried that someone would let the cow or chickens out.

She left the Farm that June day and moved in with her in laws on Murray street in Adams until she moved back to the Farm a few years after Dad died 1978.


On a warm May day in 1972 Mom got the call from a manager at GE that Uncle Teddy had died of a heart attack at work and she had to tell Aunt Monica. I will never forget the pain in Mom eyes when she left go tell her at work at The Harbor Machine Shop. My poor Mom having to tell her sister that the love of her life no long walks this earth.


Well Mom did tell her and there was much sadness in our home and many tears. I can remember that Mom said. " Markie, you are old enough to go to the wake." I can remember walking into the viewing room see Aunt Monica hug Uncle Teddy in the coffin. I was 9 my brother was 12 . Uncle Al was there by her side trying to give her comfort. Poor Uncle Al.  Comfort would or could never come to that women until the day she died.

Ok here is the part about the Tea Set. A year later Mom, Aunt Alice, and Babcia convinced Aunt Monica to sell that house on Murray St. and return to the Farm. As we were cleaning out the attic we came across that tea set. The one with the purple violets. Yes Uncle Teddy had purchased it for their 45 wedding anniversary which would have been a few weeks after his death.

So every time I see that Tea Set I think about how much they loved each other how much they cared . I know on Friday she was smiling down, so happy that Tea set was being used by a group of women who care about me, her God child. And when we sold that house on Murray Street we dug up some of those real violets that Mr. Czerwinski so proudly grew. And every Spring I think of their love.

So today say a pray for my Aunt Monica knowing she is smiling down with such love in eyes and knowing she is with Uncle Teddy and that I am surround by so many with such love.

Rest peace Aunt Monica knowing you're still greatly loved.